Guy Blachar
I am a postdoc at the Weizmann Institute of Science, under the mentorship of Prof. Gady Kozma .
Previously, I was a PhD student at Bar-Ilan University, under the supervision of Prof. Gideon Amir and Prof. Uzi Vishne .
My research interests lie in probabilistic and geometric group theory, and in particular the asymptotic behavior of random walks on finitely generated groups, word maps, and geometric properties of groups. I am also interested in stability of equations in groups and algebras.
My CV can be found here .
Publications and Preprints
- Probabilistic laws on infinite groups (with Gideon Amir, Maria Gerasimova and Gady Kozma), to appear in the Israel Journal of Mathematics (2024).
- A law of iterated logarithm on lamplighter diagonal products (with Gideon Amir), to appear in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics (2024).
- Lipschitz harmonic functions on vertex-transitive graphs (with Gideon Amir, Maria Gerasimove and Gady Kozma), Electronic Communications in Probability, 29, 1–4.
- Semiassociative algebras over a field (with Darrell Haile, Eliyahu Matzri, Edan Rein and Uzi Vishne), Journal of Algebra, 649, 35–84.
- Identities of the algebra $\mathbb{O}\otimes\mathbb{O}$ (with Louis Rowen and Uzi Vishne), Contemporary Mathematics, Noncommutative Rings and their Applications VII: Algebra and Coding Theory, In honor of Tariq Rizvi, (Leroy and Jain, eds.), 2021, Vol. 785, 35-45, (2023).
- Abelianization of the Cartwright-Steger lattice (with Orit Sela–Ben-David and Uzi Vishne), Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 34(2), 176-186, (2022).
- Noncommutative inclusion–exclusion, representations of left regular bands and the Tsetlin library (with Louis Rowen and Uzi Vishne), International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol. 31(1), 37-62, (2021).
- $\ell$-weak identities and central polynomials for matrix algebras (with Eliyahu Matzri, Louis Rowen and Uzi Vishne), INdAM series, Proceedings of the workshop ``Polynomial Identities in Algebras’’, (2021).
- Mixability of finite groups (with Gideon Amir, Subhajit Ghosh and Uzi Vishne), submitted.
- Profinite rigidity of lamplighter groups , submitted.
- Rank-stability of polynomial equations (with Tomer Bauer and Be’eri Greenfeld), under revision.
- SageMath interface to the GAP package GBNP (with Tomer Bauer).
Here are some conferences I helped organize:
- AI and Mathematics: Current Trends and Future Directions (September 2024).
- Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (January 2021).